mango coconut mahi-mahi with spicy bok choy

So I have been sick as hell for most of this week, and so of course after several days of this week consisting of 3 meals a day being brothy soup, the first thing I wanted to do when I was coherent was to make myself a fresh and healthy dinner. However, I am still not up to par, so i cheated and bought pre-marinated mahi-mahi fillets at Whole Foods. Sue me.

But it was a great thing to go with the gorgeous CSA bok choy that I have been dying to eat, so here is the recipe for that, super simple, super good.

Serves 2

Nutrition – yes ma’am!

Ingredients –

2 cheater mahi-mahi fillets of your choice
1 tb canola oil

1 massive bok choy* base cut off and washed well
1 tb sesame seeds
1 tsp hot pepper sesame oil
1 tsp canola oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup chicken stock or stock of choice
S&P to taste

Heat one portion of canola oil in a pan to cook your garlic. Once the garlic is browned, add the bok choy and chicken stock and cover to steam, stirring as needed. After about 2-3 minutes, heat the other portion of canola oil in a separate pan, and when it is heated, add your fish, which you are going to cook for approx 3 minutes on each side, while stirring your bok choy. When the fish is almost done, add the sesame oil, seeds, and salt and pepper to the bok choy and stir to mix, then plate!


*CSA Ingredients

3 thoughts on “mango coconut mahi-mahi with spicy bok choy

  1. The bok choy we’ve gotten from our CSA has really made me start liking bok choy again. And it’s so easy to make! This looks really great. It’s such a simple thing, but the combo of garlic and sesame seeds is always good.

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